Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chemical Reactions

Our apartment produced some interesting culinary creations this week...all in the name of productive procrastination. While studying produces no tangible results, C and I made up for it with some creative meals...

Thursday Day:
AAAmazing. She's not kidding, beat the butter and sugar for a full 5 minutes.

Thursday Night:
Sweet Potatoes, Broccoli and Black Beans (400 degrees, 20 minutes with Olive Oil, the Simon & Garfunkle spice bunch -- parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme) over white basmati rice in the rice cooker

Friday Lunch:
Fried Rice -- leftover basmati rice in the frying pan with olive oil, terriyaki sauce, peas and corn. Crack an egg over it and stir!

Friday Dinner -- Smells to die for, thanks to C's work...

Saturday Lunch:
Leftovers <3

Saturday Dinner:
All went well considering this recipe was an audible and we happened to have all the ingredients (when you are cruising for recipes in the blizzard of the century you can be limited by your inventory)... except we didn't exactly have cornflakes, but since I had the coconut milk, coconut, cashews, spinach etc, I used the flakes from C's Blueberry cluster Total Cereal. Not the best idea.....but it turned out fine...just with a hint of blueberry...I like blueberries...

Sunday Lunch: Left overs!

Afternoon: Made my superbowl contribution, cupcakes

I used 2 T of pumpkin pie spice in the cupcakes (more would have been great too) and 1 t in the frosting (heavy on the cinnamon). Not going to lie, I'm getting adventurous enough to make alterations to recipes and I'm pretty psyched about it.

Sunday: Out at a friend's who made lasagna TO DIE FOR. I ate my own weight in it and if my body hadn't been shutting down I would have eaten myself to death on it.

Monday Lunch: Kale. I could eat my weight in kale too.

Monday night: Z Pizza with some Columbia Heights boys... The Sante Fe and the Mexican with my regular substitutions on wheat. mmmmmm... that and their homemade irish amber was perfection!

Tuesday lunch: leftovers. I only eat leftovers for lunch.

Tuesday Night: Crunchy Chicken Finger recipe I'd been dying to try foreverrrr. It was flaky and juicy and delicious and EASY. I did feel like I'd eaten KFC afterwards, so it's a little greasy...
I also made Honey Whole Wheat Biscuits . I winged it on adding the honey, I just threw in 2 Tablespoons and it worked well..anymore and I think they would have been too sweet. I may have messed up with the cutting butter step because my dough was "drop only" - it was too mushy to roll out. They were good, except I burned the bottoms because I was too busy finishing the chicken.
More chocolate chip cookies (Alice's of course) for dessert. Except they were totally different this time... weird...

Wednesday Lunch: leftovers. duh.

Wednesday Dinner:
Homemade tomato sauce on gemelli with pillsbury breadsticks and spinach and artichoke dip. Winning combination. Although for the dip, I thought less cream cheese could have been used. Also, I used garlic salt in place of garlic powder and salt, and added actual garlic. Instead of all that mayo and sour cream, I used a heaping teaspoon of each and that was completely sufficient. Light versions of all ingredients! Also, fresh spinach and canned artichokes worked like a dream.

For the sauce, I definitely think her suggestion regarding the tomatoes is best - puree lacks that je ne sais quoi.... and it needs some pepper flakes. personally, I think the sauce is MADE for lasagna (and it was crucial in my friend's to-die-for lasagna!).

Things I've learned this snow week:
-You eat more when you're home all day.
-You eat more when you do nothing than on days you do.
-C and I have incompatible vegetable preferences... that and if we aren't using fresh we don't agree. I loathe canned vegetables (except artichokes and black beans) and she loathes frozen. Fresh it is!
-C is amazingly reliable when it comes to stocking salad supplies. If it weren't for her, we wouldn't have had many vegetables this week. Don't get me wrong, I love vegetables, just not the mainstream ones... thats why I'm becoming best friends with Washington's Green Grocer...
-Milk powder is a snowed-in girl's best friend. Despite my trekk to the shady safeway to get milk and a few other things, the only milk was lactose free. CVS and the gas station mart both laughed when asked if they had any milk... luckily, milk powder easily reconstitutes for recipes and works perfectly when baking. I also learned all you need is a little vinegar and you can make your own buttermilk. Quelle surprise!

I don't get how smells happen. How does something that doesn't smell like much go in the oven and chemically react to the sudden heat to become something that smells (and become something new?!). How do little particles of that reaction float out of the oven to your nose? Amazing.

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