Tuesday, February 9, 2010

To Blog or not to Blog...

...Certainly a question I've been pondering. On the one hand, I believe it would be a nice way for me to compose my thoughts as opposed to the word vomit that is my journal. I've been guilty of judging others as being a narcissist for believing what they have to say is worthwhile and chatting away on their blogs, but the truth is, I've come to see it as just the opposite. I have been getting so much perspective from tuning into some blogs (and mindless entertainment from checking in on others...). Most of the people I know who blog now that it's become more mainstream do it mostly for themselves, and perhaps their friends and families. Clearly, today I stopped pondering and just went ahead and made one. Perhaps some of my impetus is I want a way to post my thoughts for others to see, but in a slightly more anonymous way. At least I can choose my audience, to a certain extent.

I chat up a storm, but when it comes to things I write I'm very private...so it surprised me when I started thinking about having a blog. In the recent past, the statement, "she has a blog..." has always accompanied an eye roll... Certainly then, I'm a hypocrite. Maybe, for me it is a more attainable way towards becoming the author that my eight-year-old self burned to be. Maybe it will give me the courage to write that first book. At the very least, I'll continue to hone my writing skills which have been getting rusty since the kinds of papers I've been writing these days require a different set of skills. While care plans and logs to hone clinical nursing skills are an exercise in brevity -- something that has never been my strength -- the times I've tried to wax poetic have gotten me pulled aside.

One of the hurtles I faced was a clever name; there is no higher compliment than being told you are clever. I strive to be considered a clever girl, so it stands to reason a clever name is a necessary endeavor. It shall be a work in progress, like this very blog... So where do I start? I definitely already have my second post brewing. Is back to back posts frowned upon in this blog world that is so new to me?

Am I allowed to be filed in the miscellaneous blog category, or do I have to have a niche? I like eating, and I'm always cooking. I like to talk about restaurants. I love to travel. I also have random thoughts. What about ruminations about life? I have crazy dreams.... What about those random moments in life where things are just too funny not to share? Well, I can't be put into a box about anything (religion-misc, politics-independent), and I guess my blog just won't be any different. Sometimes I get comments on things I write saying, "you lack direction". I disagree. I have many directions and I refuse to pick just one...

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