Wednesday, March 17, 2010

and one day, things were different.

I've listened to my own heart and breath sounds a hundred times since I've gotten my stethoscope. Tonight, I felt some bronchoconstriction coming on, and rather than reach for my inhaler, I reached for my stethoscope.

I'm shocked. I heard stuff. Not even lung stuff, my lungs sounded fine. HEART STUFF! Mostly, when I listen to hearts I hear, "bumpbump, bumpbump", (if I'm even lucky) and because I'm a freak and a [self-proclaimed] murmur prodigy, I might hear "bumpbumpshhh, bumpbumpshhh." But thats IT. I mean, you can hear a mechanical valve with a naked ear practically, so I can spot those, but thats the extent of it.

Tonight, when I listened, I heard lub DUB, or lub dub or LUB dub or LUB DUB based on where I moved my hand. AND I heard my heart rate speed up as I breathed in. I've never heard any of those things on my heart or anyone else's.

Is this how it's supposed to work? One day, you just wake up and hear stuff?

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