Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I take comfort in daily hassles. It's slightly twisted, but when all things go my way I feel unsafe. Like it must be the end. Silly, I know, but as the adage goes, "when everything is coming your way you're in the wrong lane."

I am so lucky. I know this. And I guess I feel better about things when I suffer minor obstacles because they enable me to pretend I'm not the luckiest girl ever and keep the laws of probability at bay. So when things were going so so right with romance, tests, jobs, homes, and friends I was becoming more of a basket case wondering when the streak will end and my delicate house of cards will swiftly capsize.

I waited for the bus for forty minutes (according to the schedule, four should have come in that time), and then the one I got on followed a detour. This detour threw a fork in my travel plan as I'd only researched my planned path of normal bus routes. So I walked, in search of a bus stop. More than a mile of sweaty walking, arms full of bags, I arrived at another bus which was of course off schedule. And I exhaled.

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