Friday, February 26, 2010


There is something about this time in life, and people are becoming either attached to an other forever, or deciding quite suddenly that the way things have been going aren't right and initiate a parting of ways. It seems almost polarizing - where are all those people in between?*

A nurse I was with on the labor and delivery unit this summer was in my nursing program just a few years ago, and she said it decimated the couples in her class. I thought it would only end up affecting me (because, you see, I was the first person to lose my other), but no. Slowly but surely nearly all of the unmarried couples in my cohort have split (there are a few exceptions, and all but one cohabitate).

Some have gotten back together, some have found someone new (with what time?), but where many of us were happily coupled when we started we find ourselves in a different place now. Is this par for the course for our age group, or have we changed? It's jilting to see all of the unexpected splitting, like land mines on our weekends, replacing our complacent selves with zombies the following Monday. Some were inevitable, some were our own doing, and some fell from the sky like a kingfisher. The pain feels close even when it doesn't hit personally because it could so easily be my own. maybe because it seems like it just was my own. Best case, it's right, or for the best, but it's never easy in matters of the heart. Even superficial is relative when you're dealing with the vitalest of organs. Regardless of whether you're the hurter, the hurtee or both; if you're human the sting of a split is inevitable.


Not that this is the proverbial end by any means (I hope!) but for now, I got what I wanted. Lucky for me what I want hadn't ventured too far away and I "fished my wish". What we have isn't perfect, nor will it ever be; it's a work in progress. It's new and it's old, it's novel and it's broken in. I'm getting to know me2.0, and showing her off as I fall for him2.0 just like I did the first time. It's bumpy and hard but we've never had it any other way. In a phrase: it's worth it ♥

I am the luckiest.

*we're doing our part to fill in that middle. its lonely here, just us, but at least we have each other.

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