Saturday, February 27, 2010


I'm all caff-ed up and I don't know why.

I waited all week for this peaceful Friday evening where I could finish my weekly assignments in no particular rush, lounge, and catch up on some illusive rest.

After a night of belly laughs with my favorite fellow navigation mistress over the inside jokes of the physician and nurse sides of human sexuality I was a little behind schedule. It's 0100 and I've sent my last email with its obligatory attachment and should be on my way to bed.

My eyes are tired but the gears are still whirring methodically behind them. They aren't as efficient as they could be having been thoroughly exhausted earlier in the day with the vacuum packing of additional knowledge in the moments before a test... they are allowing misspellings and poor word choices through the cracks... but they continue tirelessly not allowing my body a moment to regenerate.

A week of thinking momentum cannot be stopped on a dime. apparently.

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