Thursday, February 11, 2010

Gratifying gratification.

Delayed gratification. We are told this is the best thing to strive for, are we not? Well, when it comes to me and my roommate, we're too good at it.

We've established my love for snow, but allow me to elaborate why these days off haven't been all that and a bag of chips. I'm getting immediate gratification. I hate immediate gratification. I LIKE looking forward to things, planning for things, and our conversation from midday could not be more clearly illustrated by the situation at hand. We love the idea that we have a day off coming. You can tell yourself to work hard so you can enjoy it. You can plan to do fun things, and get all the things you need to do out of the way. This was president's day weekend for us... And now, they've taken our Monday back. I traded my delayed gratification for instant, and I'd much rather have it be the other way around. Also, haven't we always been told that you can have something good now, or something better later? I'll take my chances on something better every time.

If I'd known that I would have had Monday - Thursday off, I would have done things differently. But I didn't. I'm not a spur of the moment day off kind of girl - I will waste it not knowing what to do next. Call me a control freak, but I like getting the most out of my day, and for me that means planning it out to get the most out of it. I don't need to micromanage every minute, and there really are some things where I enjoy going with the flow.... I just don't like missing a second of anything. Life especially.

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