Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A penny for your pinafore?

I was in the gym at school on Monday and the basketball court had been overtaken by munchkins. One of them passed by me in a bright yellow mesh pinny. The whiff I caught in his wake took me right back to elementary school... snowball (dodgeball) Fridays, and Wednesdays where they would give us 20 minutes to run around the track as many times as we could stand it, bombardment, kickball, stadium rounders, german batball... all of which (except kickball) I've come to discover were made up by our gym teacher since I couldn't find the rules on the internet, so you won't know what I'm talking about...unless you really like Kurt Vonnegut.

The smell is something I can't describe, but is apparently universal for pinnies worn daily by sweating prepubescent kids. It's not a foul smell per se, but it is distinct, and boy does it take you back. The best days in gym class were a) after we split off from the boys and no longer had to share pinnies with them, and b) the day after the pinnies were washed so you didn't have to wonder who they'd been on...

Incidentally, I learned that pinny is short for pinafore, and is a kind of dress-like apron to be worn over a dress, but was more modernly adapted for the sports attire...personally I always thought they were called pennies.

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