Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Time Machine

Apple's Time Machine software has had a paradoxical effect on my life.

Thanks to a problem with my laptop, anything plugged into the USB gets wrongfully ejected in the eyes of my mac even when it hasn't been touched...so this means if I leave my laptop unsupervised while it can communicate with USB storage devices, it will ruin them because it will convince itself that I've wrongfully pulled them out and reinserted them, meaning they will no longer run having had their memory corrupted. I would love to get this fixed, but like a five year old going to the doctor, my laptop works flawlessly within the force fields of Apple stores.
(When are the going to open up that genius device to the general public? The Luke Skywalker grade Wireless iForce, to make your apple products work in your home like they do in the stores...)

Anyway, I've digressed. Because I don't leave my external hard drive plugged in I sometimes forget to hook it up every few days to have Time Machine backup my computer. It would be in my best interest to do so, so it's not like I consciously decide not do it; I just don't always think of it. Time Machine takes it upon itself to remind me how long its been since I've plugged in my drive, allowing me to see how quickly my life is passing me by rather than allowing me to go back in time to enjoy the way things were in the good old days.

25 days since I last plugged it in? No, I swear I plugged it in no less than three days ago. Seriously? 40 days? 40?! Sheesh. Time flies... no thanks to you for reminding me, Time Machine.


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