Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Scene: My Aunt's wedding. I'm four years old, the flower girl, and in a puffy white dress. I'm standing in front of my mom, a bridesmaid. About four feet in front of me, off to the side of the bride and groom, there is a microphone sitting on the ground to pick up the sound of the proceedings. Vows are in progress, meaning the ceremony is about 15 minutes in, and my attention has been gone for about 14 minutes.

Me: (to no one in particular, eyeing the microphone) I sure would like to sing right now.

Believing I could lunge for the microphone at any minute and regale the crowd with "Tomorrow" from Annie, my mother grabs my hand and gets a firm grip on my shoulder as she smiles radiantly at her sisters in law standing beside her (silently cursing her decision to ever get me a tape recorder...)

Roo and I did get this one, eventually. But my first one was red and more vintage looking circa 1988...

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