Tuesday, March 16, 2010


There aren't many things I enjoy about being a student that I wouldn't trade for a salary, regular hours and leaving work at work. One of my favorite things though, is waking up early on a day I don't have class, going to school even though I don't have to be there and settling in to be productive knowing I will. I can say with certainty that I know I'll be productive because unless I have to, there is no way I'll be out of bed before 945 on a day I don't have class unless I have a ton to do.

So, I go to school, and rotate work sites. I treat myself to a warm breakfast and a latte and wait for the caffeine to work its magic and lift the fog, and when it does I embrace that feeling that I'm a rockstar for being up so early and get to work. I leave campus later in the day feeling smug and wanting to keep up the momentum when I get home... which is a 50% reliable prediction of what will actually happen when I get home.

Sure, until the fog lifts, I'm not studying... but I mean, looking at facebook is warming me up for looking at powerpoint slides and blogging is warming up my mind to do some quality paper writing... I promise.

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