Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Like a Pheonix from the Ashes...

It's Ash Wednesday, and I'm prepared for Lent. Well, I didn't exactly get the DC Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday experience thanks to new due dates for school assignments, but I'm still ready.

What am I giving up?
1. Swearing
2. Doing the dishes any time but immediately after I'm finished eating
3. Being lazy about putting my things away
4. Not flossing.

As good as going without is, wouldn't it be better to take the glass is half full* approach and take the opportunity to better myself rather than deprive myself? Perhaps I'm missing the point, but I think I should take any opportunity I can for self improvement.

I kind of see Lent as an opportunity to renew my vows with my already forgotten new years resolutions...

*That is, assuming, your glass is half full of something good. If it's half full of poison, I think you're screwed either way...

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